Alameda County Compost for Agriculture Pilot Program

In 2023, the Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) launched the Alameda County Compost for Agriculture Pilot Program (ACCAP) to increase beneficial use of compost on agricultural lands. Developed in partnership with the County of Alameda and Alameda County Waste Management Authority “StopWaste”, this program provides agricultural producers in Alameda County the opportunity to purchase compost for use in their operation, receive reimbursement to subsize the cost, and access technical assistance from ACRCD.

The goal of ACCAP is to improve soil health while also meeting the County’s target for organic material diversion mandated by CalRecycle regulations under SB1383. Use of compost has myriad benefits for agricultural operations, including but not limited to, increased soil water holding capacity, increased nutrient availability, decreased fertilizer cost, and increased soil organic carbon. See ACRCD’s Carbon Farming page for more information on pairing compost use with other agricultural conservation practices.

If you manage or own agricultural land in Alameda County and currently use or are considering using compost in your operation, you are eligible for this program, apply here!

Implementation of the program beyond the pilot stage is expected to continue past 2024. To learn more, read the fact sheet “Alameda County Compost for Agriculture Program” below, or contact ACRCD program coordinators Ian Howell and Owen Sowerwine.



ACRCD Contacts

Ian Howell – [email protected]
Owen Sowerwine – [email protected]


Fact Sheet – Alameda County Compost for Agriculture Program

Effects of Compost Amendments to Rangelands with Steep Slopes

Feasibility Assessment of Compost Addition on Alameda County Rangelands: Compost Sourcing and Spreading Costs

Managing California Grassland for California Tiger Salamander and California Red-legged Frog: Considerations When Applying Compost Fact Sheet