Alameda County RCD Staff and Board of Directors wish to extend our continued support for those affected by the SCU Fire Complex and the surrounding wildfires in Alameda County. We hope our information and support will help all of those affected to recover from the wildfires as quickly and safely as possible. Fire recovery resources will be posted and updated below.
New California Wildfire Disaster Recovery Funding Pool
NRCS has just announced that they have a new funding pool, with $4 million available through EQIP for rapid response to recent wildfires. A select list of seventeen conservation practices is available to address immediate resource concerns such as erosion, invasive noxious weeds, and hazard trees.
Applications can be submitted through your local field office. Applications will be evaluated and selected for funding weekly beginning November 27 through the end of December 2020.
The office serving Alameda County is listed below:
Livermore LPO 3585 Greenville Rd Suite 2 Livermore, CA 94550-6707 (925) 453-3866 |
Follow this link to learn more about the California Wildfire Disaster Recovery funding pool:
New Insurance Protections for Property in Wildfire Risk
Read Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan’s update regarding property insurance and wildfire risk. New protections from the California’s Insurance Commissioner includes a one-year moratorium against insurance companies cancelling or non-renewing policies in zip codes within or adjacent to wildfire areas.
Download California’s Insurance Commission Mandate
To read Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan’s update click here
Fire Recovery Assistance from the California Office of Emergency Services
If you are a farmer or rancher conducting family-sized farming operations and you need financial assistance as a result of a wildfire, you may be eligible for the Farm Service Agency’s Emergency Loan Program. On October 8th, the California Office of Emergency Services amended available wildfire recovery assistance in the form of the Emergency Loan program administered by the Farm Services Agency. Now, the Emergency Loan program is available to the contiguous county of Alameda for both physical and crop production losses. The application deadline is on May 28th, 2021 for a maximum of $500,000. To apply or for any questions, please contact:
Farm Service Agency
7585 S. Longe #100
Stockton, CA 95206
(209) 337-2124
Download the resources here.
Fire Recovery Assistance from the California Farm Service Agency
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) California Farm Service Agency provides assistance to help farmers, ranchers recover from natural disasters, such as wildfires. For more information contact Jenna Swenson, County Executive Director at at the Farm Service Agency. Contact information can be found below as well as an overview of applicable programs.
Download the resources here.
Wildfire Emergency Resources for Farmers and Ranchers
Alameda County RCD Staff and Board of Directors wish to extend our continued support for those affected by the SCU Fire Complex and the surrounding wildfires in Alameda County. The NRCS and ACRCD deeply value our partnerships with landowners and want to be of assistance for any needs you may have. We understand how overwhelming certain circumstances can be, we hope this compilation of resources including critical deadlines will be of value in helping landowners successfully apply for wildfire emergency related assistance. Please visit the Disaster Assistance Discovery Tool specifically targeted to ranching, agricultural, and open-space issues. The tool walks producers through five questions that generate personalized results identifying which USDA disaster assistance programs can help them recover from a natural disaster. We hope our information and support will help all of those affected to recover from the wildfires as quickly and safely as possible.