ACRCD News and Events
We will keep you up to date with the latest news in the ACRCD news section. Sign up to receive occasional updates from the RCD right to your inbox.
Board of Directors Meetings
Alameda County Resource Conservation District Board of Directors meetings are regularly held the third Monday every month and are open to members of the public. Please check the ACRCD calendar for future meeting dates, times and agendas.
See the archived agendas and meeting notes from past meetings on the Meeting Notes Archives page.
Workshops and Field Days
The Alameda County Conservation Partnership hosts workshops and field days throughout the year. For upcoming workshops and field days, please view our online calendar and announcements page. Information on upcoming and recent workshops can be found on our Trainings and Workshops page. Information on past workshops is hosted on our website, and can be found here.
Check back often or sign up for our email list above to receive the most up-to-date workshop information. Once you sign up for the list, you will have the option of selecting one or more areas of interest, including workshops aimed at landowners and land managers, and technical workshops on local special-status species.