The ACRCD is excited to announce the kick-off of the Western Pond Turtle Conservation Research expansion into Livermore/Tri-Valley. Thanks to the generous donations from passionate turtle lovers, the ACRCD purchased 10 GPS units that have been deployed inside Livermore city limits. These GPS units were placed on 5 male turtles and 5 female turtles. Data gathered on both sexes will allow us to better understand their lifecycles and help inform conservation efforts. Where do they hang out? Where far do they travel to breed?  Where do they nest? We are about to find out!

Already, ACRCD staff have witnessed several rare occurrences including a male traveling farther than we first thought possible and a potential female nesting event! This is only possible because of the innovative online mapping software that the GPS loggers you donated provide.

If you would like to stay informed about the Western Pond Turtle Conservation Research, please sign up for our email list here. We will only contact you regarding this project, including sharing cute turtle photos and unique findings!

Again, a big thank you to the donors who funded the 10 GPS units to help make this project happen. You are making a difference in our community and helping protect our turtles!