Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) Mission

The mission of the Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) is to provide leadership in the county and region to enhance natural resources conservation, preserve wildlife and habitat, and improve rangeland and agricultural management through partnerships, education, outreach, resource services and technical assistance to clients, and funding support.

The ACRCD and NRCS are not Government oversight agencies. Maintaining the trust of the landowners and ranchers is of the utmost importance.

Alameda County Local Work Group

On Wednesday, August 7, 2024, from 4:00pm – 6:00pm join the Conservation Partnership for Happy Hour conversations to share your input on conservation priorities and funding in Alameda County.

What is a Local Work Group?

No one knows more about a community’s natural resource concerns and opportunities than the people who live and work there – that’s you! The Alameda County Conservation Partnership believes it is important to give you, the local ranchers, farmers, winegrowers, land owners, urban farmers, and partners a voice in how best to prioritize and address these issues through our funded programs. Together, we make up the Alameda County Local Work Group.

If you are an Alameda County rancher, farmer, winegrower, land owner, urban farmer, or ACRCD/NRCS partner, RSVP today!

East Bay Wildlife Connectivity Public Stakeholder Meeting

We are excited to invite you to the first Public Stakeholder meeting of the East Bay Wildlife Connectivity Project. The Project is planning wildlife crossings to increase the permeability of Alameda County’s major highways for wildlife. This will enhance both biodiversity and public road safety. We hope you will join us.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

9:00am – 12:00pm

City of Dublin Council Chamber*

*Please note, that the chamber room does not allow food or drink/coffee. Water is permitted.

Meeting Agenda:

– Presentation on the goals and objectives of the wildlife connectivity project.

– Overview of the modeling used to identify potential wildlife crossing locations.

– Discussion of potential challenges and opportunities of the project and potential locations.

– Opportunity for public feedback and questions.

Your participation is crucial as we work towards creating safer roads for humans while working to restore our local ecosystems. We look forward to your valuable insights.

Please click here to RSVP.

Niles Canyon Staging Area Clean Up

The ACRCD representing the Alameda County Unincorporated Area Clean Water Program Volunteers are partnering with CalTrout and Alameda Creek Alliance to clean up Alameda Creek near the Niles Canyon Staging Area. To learn more and register to volunteer, please visit:

You Can Do It:  10 Steps to Creating a Bird-Friendly Garden (Online)

Presented by the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour 

Presenter:  Brian Dirking

Tuesday, July 23, 6:30 – 8:00 pm 

Register for Brian’s talk here.

This interactive online workshop will explore gardening from a bird’s perspective and then delve into the ten elements that can transform your garden into a bird paradise. Send your questions in advance through the registration page, or ask them during the talk!

Western Pond Turtle Conservation Research Expansion

The ACRCD is excited to announce the kick-off of the Western Pond Turtle Conservation Research expansion into Livermore/Tri-Valley. Thanks to the generous donations from passionate turtle lovers, the ACRCD purchased 10 GPS units that have been deployed inside Livermore city limits. These GPS units were placed on 5 male turtles and 5 female turtles. Data gathered on both sexes will allow us to better understand their lifecycles and help inform conservation efforts. Where do they hang out? Where far do they travel to breed?  Where do they nest? We are about to find out!

Already, ACRCD staff have witnessed several rare occurrences including a male traveling farther than we first thought possible and a potential female nesting event! This is only possible because of the innovative online mapping software that the GPS loggers you donated provide.

If you would like to stay informed about the Western Pond Turtle Conservation Research, please sign up for our email list here. We will only contact you regarding this project, including sharing cute turtle photos and unique findings!

Again, a big thank you to the donors who funded the 10 GPS units to help make this project happen. You are making a difference in our community and helping protect our turtles!

Join the ACRCD Board of Directors

Do you have a passion for natural resources, agriculture, conservation, education, land use, or biology?
If you answered yes, you’re encouraged to consider applying to join the Alameda County Resource Conservation District’s Board of Directors! Please submit your Board Application Form for consideration. Positions are open until filled. Apply today!
For more information about this opportunity, please review the Board Meeting schedule and agendas or contact Acting CEO, Marilyn Harvey.

Updated Available Funding Opportunities

Working together, the Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) are here to assist Ranchers, Farmers, and Land Managers with a variety of conservation best practices and funding! As of May 2024, the ACRCD and NRCS have funding available for specific conservation efforts and look forward to working with you! To decide which opportunities are best for you, visit the Funding Opportunities here.

Alameda County Conservation Partnership

The Alameda County Resource Conservation District (ACRCD) and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) collaborate as the Conservation Partnership to serve as the lead conservation agency in Alameda County. We provide technical and educational services for natural resource conservation and agriculture enhancement. The Partnership collaborates with many partners including private landowners, local, state and federal agencies and other organizations to develop and implement various conservation and agricultural strategies. The ACRCD also works closely, on a fee for service basis, with public agencies and private sector companies, to help achieve conservation based goals.

Alameda County Conservation Partnership

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